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Old February 1st, 2010, 04:51 PM
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Originally Posted by ddouglass View Post
Not if the DiskID and track number are part of the name. If they are present then that is what it uses for the KMA file which is what I think he had since he didn't know how to find them in the folder.
And yes you are right the only way to add KMA files to Hoster is to copy them to the KMA folder, then run the Add to include the files in the database and assign BookIDs. The problems I see with this method though is that you have no control over what BookID they get and the file is not unzipped down to the MP3 and CDG files before adding the KMA extension. This means that Hoster has to unzip the file before playing causing a longer delay between hitting the play and when the song starts playing which is why Hoster unzips them before conversion to KMA.
Dale Ive just been experimenting with some of these zip file names. Yes you are right if If the Disk Id and track is in the file name it does just use that, I have some that only have artist & song so that is why it sets the file name as I suggested, also I have some where the Disk Id & track are in brackets then they show as full File name as this example

I wonder if it is a good idea to be able to convert too .kma If it wasn't available you wouldn't have people trying to load them into Hoster data base and you can't use them in any other software other than MTUs and as you say "you have no control over what BookID they get "

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