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Old December 7th, 2009, 02:34 PM
Musicman51 Musicman51 is offline
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oops.... i didn't mean to imply that i was having any problems with my old compaq. It's working just dandy. I was just thinking of upgrading to a newer faster machine was all, mostly for my other music recording software programs.
No it's working for Microstudio and the other mtu programs {except Hoster Lite} better then most new machines work. Hoster Lite i keep on my show laptop all by itself. That laptop never goes online except to upgrade. Sorry for sending the wrong impression.
I may just order a new internal and external from mtu, i have many many hourson these two. Still working well though. It's kinda like an old car..should i get a new one, or still get a few miles out of the old one?????
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