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Old December 4th, 2009, 03:48 PM
ddouglass ddouglass is offline
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Location: Ace, TX (5 miles past Nowhere)
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I hate to tell you this but Microstudio will not work with 64 bit anything. They are going to go back and look at it later, but my guess is it will be 3 months or more before they can work on that. They are deep in Hoster's next additions.
Have you checked Dell on-line? In their Small Business section they offer 32 bit XP, Vista or Windows 7 as options on their computers. Their prices are pretty cheap right now and they allow you to customized the computer with optional sound and video cards, extra memory and a lot more.
To remove the programs from your old computer, be connected to the internet and uninstall them. This should free up your registration codes though it may take a couple hours or so for it to take eddect.
As far as I know since all the programs went through the wringer with Vista, none are giving problems with Windows 7.
Dale Douglass
2nd Generation Karaoke
I am not a member of the MTU Staff.
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