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Old November 25th, 2009, 08:18 PM
mindonstrike mindonstrike is offline
Join Date: Mar 2001
Location: Spokane Wa/Post Falls Id
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Originally Posted by Musicman51 View Post
Do you use your windows based computer and Hoster in a club or venue that has smoking? Just recently Apple computers announced they will not be honoring warranties of their computers if you even smoke in the privacy of your own home. I bet other window based computer companies will follow. Do you think smoke filled karaoke venues has any effect on the way your computer and Hoster operate? Do you think the announcement by "Apple" has any merit to it? Will you change your setup in any way? What say you?

yes i know Hoster is only a Window based product. But i'm sure other companies will follow Apple's example.
I've used the same computers in smokey bars 5-7 nights a week for 5+ years and have never had any problems. I vacume the computers a couple times a years for dust and have never noticed any residue. I do however see some discoloration around the outside of the case around the air intake vents. The only thing I would worry about is a build up of goo on the laser lens of the cdroms but my cdroms are still working great after 5+ years.

A number of years ago I had 2 karaoke players start having problems reading cdg's after the bar used a fog machine one night for halloween. Although only anecdotal evidence I don't let the bars use fog machines around my computers. I think the fog machine juice and nicotine build up are similiar things but the fog machines pump it out on a much larger scale (pure speculation).

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