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Old August 31st, 2009, 07:16 PM
ddouglass ddouglass is offline
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Originally Posted by glazer1 View Post
ddouglass THX for the reply

only updates from windows or manufactor
only cdg files play
cdg disc doesn't play
can import files to harddrive as bin only but won't play ?
Windows Media Player doesn't play bin files try anyway no good

any other Idea

What do you mean by only updates from Windows? If you are referring to those downloaded and installed through the Auto Update, that is not all you need. The Auto update only installs those updates that Microsoft deems as "critical" which is why I said from the Custom Updates at Microsofts Update site.
What CDG files are you talking about? Are they songs previously imported with Microstudio earlier versions? If so these should have been renamed to .BIN when you upgraded. There was a message to do so when you first opened Microstudio. A CDG file from the older versions and BIN file are exactly the same. There is no difference except for the filename extension.
This sounds like either your drive isn't supported or your drive has failed. What is the brand and model of your drive? Did you test the drive under Tools/Default Drive?
Dale Douglass
2nd Generation Karaoke
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