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Old August 26th, 2009, 01:35 PM
billyo billyo is offline
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Originally Posted by RandyMcCharles View Post
You are quite right that KJs can pull one over on the gvt and auditor, but this is true in all business. If you you get caught cheating ,fines are huge and licenses can be revoked. I do know the Kj I spoke to does not cheat and is happy to play by the rules. This may be becuase I have checked out a good number of karaoe venues in the city and and have not seen any of these 75,000 song HDs in use. Most Kjs here are still using CGDs instead of HDs, and those few that use HDs have no more than 20,000 songs and very few recent titles. They look do have copied their CDG collections from their pre-HD days and have not bought much recent music. This could all change, of course.

i can count on one hand in this area that still uses disc, i myself have about 37k , ( not including the cassette tapes )some of these disc were bought before i started doing outside venues,and when i decided to venture out in 2003 then i started buying disc by packs, ( all collections of : sgb, supercore, sound choice,chartbuster mm etc.) i don't buy 1 disc at a time..i know someone who is a pioneer of karaoke in this area used to have 50k songs all in a disc , he's songbooks must have been 8" thick, and he used to carry a big cart that looks like a 4 drawer filing cabinets with all he's cd's in it, he' the first hoster user i've seen in this area..
Las Vegas, NV
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