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Old June 15th, 2009, 01:44 PM
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Roy Dennis Roy Dennis is offline
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I actually use a mixture of things but If I am just doing Karaoke show I generally use Hoster as this still displays the next singer while the video is playing.
Because of this I ticked the Hoster Box.

Now if I'm doing disco I use a program called "Rocket Pro" which has a video feature which I use but I also have a DVD Player which I can switch in and out, I carry about 30 video DVDs In a wallet with approx 15 songs on each. The reason I do this is because I like to show video in the full Quality and the ones on my computer are of less quality to save drive space. I also have some visual only videos which you can just leave running in the DVD while playing mp3 music. Also my computer runs quite hot after playing a number of consecutive video's so it saves on computer resources.

The DVD player also plays various formats of singers own disks when doing karaoke which aren't always CD+G format.

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