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Old May 1st, 2009, 02:35 AM
ddouglass ddouglass is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Ace, TX (5 miles past Nowhere)
Posts: 9,395
How are you using the raid array? To expand hard drive space or to mirror your primary drive?
How many song entries in your singer's database for the person your are looking up?
Running Media Player at the same time as Hoster is a very bad idea for a couple of reasons. One is Hoster uses WMP as part of it's player process. Two is WMP is a memory and processor hog all by itself. When Hoster calls on WMP it does not open but uses parts of it that do not eat up resources.
Hoster is stable and behaves very well for most users. The problems you are having is most likely within your computer. You might read Marklwoods post and follow what he has listed there to try to figure out just what is going on with your computer.
Dale Douglass
2nd Generation Karaoke
I am not a member of the MTU Staff.
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