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Old April 8th, 2009, 08:06 PM
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Roy Dennis Roy Dennis is offline
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  • I copied this from their site:
  • EachJT album contains background tracks only: JT albums do not contain graphics
  • Each Pocket Songs PSCDalbum contains a complete performance with a professional vocalist as well as the karaoke tracks of each song, for the at-home performer. PSCDalbums do not contain graphics
  • I notice This one does contain Graphics but it says for the at home performer.
  • Each Pocket Songs PSCDG album contains a complete performance with a professional vocalist as well as the karaoke tracks of each song, for the at-home performer. PSCDG albums do contain graphics

  • Each JTG album contains only karaoke tracks. JTG albums do contain graphics
Looking at their site I wondered if they are trying to cater more for performers who just want backing tracks.

This is a section from their licensing page:

You can license any song in our catalogue to make a personal compact disc recording featuring your own voice for the following fees:
1-9 songs: $125 per song
10+ songs: $110 per song
Social Networking Sites such as MySpace, YouTube, FaceBook & others
carry a $150.00 per web site surcharge.

Perhaps they think thats where the money is.

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