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Old February 17th, 2009, 07:46 PM
billyo billyo is offline
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Originally Posted by bryant View Post
Sheesh, All my gigs are within a mile radius of each other and less than a mile from my home, have 5 this week, at three of them the equipment is permanently installed and use their microphones, too.

The other two have my equipment there on a regular basis and no one else plays on stage except us. I usually arrive 15 minutes before the show, sometimes walk from home, and start 5 minutes early, and am home by 12:30 or 1 am. Usually make between 150 and 200 a night in Central Maine where you can get a rent for 300 a month and still buy a beer for less than a dollar. We feel we're sort of lucky too. And we both have regular jobs that pay good salaries and pay all our insurances (medical, dental, vision, etc). We believe Hoster made this all possible for us.

it takes me 10 minutes to get where i used to play, i never leave my gears anywhere, i knew a kj who used to leave his gears where he used to play and one night when he went to play, ( he used to play 1 night a week someone came and asked him who he was when he told them that he's the kj, they said not anymore and when he's about to tear down his gears, he was told that the gears where part of the sale of the place, ( apparently he was talking to the new owner ) the place was sold and the old owner didnt tell him..took him months to get his equipments back and all the while the new owner was letting someone using it..
Las Vegas, NV

Last edited by billyo; February 17th, 2009 at 07:47 PM. Reason: bad idea to leave your gears
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