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Old July 24th, 2008, 08:06 PM
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bryant bryant is offline
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Originally Posted by marklwood View Post
I don't want to generalize too much, BUT, In my experience, the die hard karaoke followers (you know who I'm talking about) seem to be the highest maintenance for the smallest return for the bar. You know, the wanna be professional singers who go to karaoke 7 nights a week, don't have a dime to their name, and truly believe that people come out just to hear them sing. Like birds of a feather, they travel in flocks and complain more than average about the mix, song selection, rotation, etc...Then complain at the bar about the price of a coke/water. Talk a good game about how they "support" the place by coming in so often. Then give people who aren't in their clique the cold shoulder like they are freshman in high school.
You are right on the money.

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