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Old October 14th, 2002, 09:04 AM
George George is offline
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I think another word or two regarding speeds is in order. Many, myself included, have advocated using slower speeds burning CDG. I have posted this many times.

One also has to consider that technology advances rapidly, and before long statements made on a forum such as this become outmoded. That does have to be considered. In the days as recently as a couple of years or so ago, some of us were using the latest burners available, which burned at a top speed of 8X or less, in some cases. If it were not for having two p.c.s I'd still be using that one 8X burner. How often do you scrap one that's working perfectly?

I now have a second Plextor that will burn at 16X, which was the fastest MTU sold when I bought it(a month later they were no longer carried in favor of 24X model), so now I burn cdg at faster speeds.

I did read somewhere that a good speed to start out at burning cdg's would be one notch below whatever the max rating for your burner for regular audio. Dunno, just what I read. I just set mine on Auto, and let it rip, and frankly it took me some time even after getting the 16X to let it rip on cdg. Old habits die slowly

Take care,

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