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Old June 15th, 2008, 01:38 AM
Debbi Debbi is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Acton, CA.
Posts: 36
Smile Pay To Play....

Hey,'s me, Debbi....I do start the pay-to-play after my official
time with the club is over. It's a good insentive to get the gig in the first place, because most club owners don't want to pay more money. So when you explain it to them, be sure to re-assure them that when you stay over-time, the Bar (the Owner) no longer has to pay you....the customers will pay for you to stay...."You Pay, I Stay".....and usually by the end of the night they're drunk enough to want to keep going! Also, re-assure the Bar owner that the Bar will continue to make money, too, when they stay! They (the customers) don't go to their jobs and work for free, so why would you want to give away your time and usage of hard earned equipment for free? It may take a little time to establish what you're doing! You could start with $3.00 a song...or whatever you choose.
It works great for me....been doing it for over 10 years....and I've made
a whole lot more money by it! Best of luck to you all!!!!!