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Old January 7th, 2008, 05:53 PM
dcrog dcrog is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 41
Where do your people play in Louisville?

I don't go to very many bars but my brother in law plays at a small VFW on weekends. Works a regular job at GE so he wouldn't want weeknights anyway. He does it as much for his own pleasure/entertainment value as he does the money. He's computer illiterate so I can't talk him into going electronic. But he did find a disc system to make it pretty simple to find and store the discs.

Oh and don't say that all KJ's in this area use illegal discs. I know better.

I also know of a lot who do just as you are saying too.

I'm not saying that he doesn't use burned copies at the shows but I beat him over the head after he started to make sure he has the originals of all the discs he plays. I know this because I have backed all of them up for him to use. 560 some right now.
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