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Old December 7th, 2007, 08:51 AM
TKaraoke TKaraoke is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 77
Fair Contests?

Why not take let's say 5 people in the finals, give each of them a piece of paper with their name at the top. Then they can vote for one of any of the other 4 finalists, but not themselves. They won't vote for the worst, because they may figure that person would win, they are more objective in their decision. Was at an American Legion, when they were running a contest, the fella that won was not very good (worse there) and many people complained, there was a $100.00 prize. His brother ran the bar, contest, and he had lot of people he knew there. The following month they did the same thing, the brother who was bartending and running it that night asked me what I would do, he knew I did shows, the above is what I told him. At the end of the night there were no complaints, everyone was happy, and even the bartender and contestants commented on how fair it was. You can get the 5 finalists however you want. Seems the fairest way for me!
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