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Old August 9th, 2007, 02:21 AM
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bryant bryant is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Winslow, Maine
Posts: 4,535
Amazing, swany, once again, you do pretty much as I do.
I use KJpro, have about 10,200 unduplicated songs with about only 12,000 in the HD. Most of my ppl aren't too fussy about the versions. Once in a while I'll dig up another one for someone.

My disc ID's are only 7 letters at most, and are the same as the disc and track number in my kjpro database. I renumber every new disc, for example, I am at 691 now.
When I purchase another disc or two It will be of 18 songs from disc ID 69201 to 69218. I call them Various 692 as brand name.

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