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Old August 8th, 2007, 07:45 PM
swany swany is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Howard City, Michigan
Posts: 319
I've used a bunch of different things including hosters book. I still hate numbers so here is what I done. Using KJ pro, I exported my book to excel got rid of the track numbers col, description, disc id and reimported to KJ Pro. Once done, you have a book with no numbers, after you delete duplicate tracks your book shrinks substantially. KJ pro has a feature in print where you can eliminate a lot of pages by adjusting the lt, rt, and top and btm. My books now have only one listing per song, when I type it in for one of my singers I pick the best version on the hard drive. Or a version they want. Do wish I knew how to get rid of KJ Pros crap at the top of the pages. Or at least shrink it so I could get a couple more lines per page. Two col books with artist and title fits into a 2 inch binder easily. I have 14000 on my hard drive and around 9500 in the books with no repeats. Hope I have helped some others still using kj pro. Presently I'm using #11 font size.
Take care and have fun. Swany
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