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Old May 20th, 2007, 08:48 AM
keno54 keno54 is offline
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Location: Louisiana
Posts: 4
Thanks again

I appreciate the input. I have no musical background and no knowledge of this equipment, so it is pretty confusing at this point. However, I am learning and will make a decision shortly.

I am leaning toward the Phonics PA system. Appears to have plenty of power and volume. Some reviews I have read seem to say it is weak on bass, but those comments come mostly from musicians who may be used to a lot beefier system for trying to play a bass through it.

Do you guys think that the Phonics PA system would have sufficient bass for a home karaoke setup? Again , I'm not a professional, and I wonder how many people will really be able to notice that the bass is not booming.

For $400.00, the price seems unbeatable. Anyone have experience with that system?

Thanks again.
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