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Old May 11th, 2007, 08:59 PM
bernie bernie is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 46
Had lyrics graphics, now don't

Hey gang,

I broke something and am hoping someone might suggest where I start looking. The installation is a Dell 8100 Inspiron notebook with Windows XP. I installed MicroStudio 4.000 when first released and everything was fine. Today I installed the 4.001 update and have encountered a problem I don't see discussed elsewhere.

If I now play a karaoke track directly from a CD, the lyrics window is blank (filled with black to be precise). I can import the track and subsequently see the lyrics, but I've lost the ability to play discs directly. I could before.

I uninstalled 4.001 and reinstalled 4.000. Lyrics window is still blank. I wish I had verified 4.000 still worked prior to the upgrade to make sure I haven't made a change to the system since the last time I used it. For all I know the now blank lyrics window is totally coincidental to today's upgrade.

Btw, two drives are recognized for cdg playback and I've rechecked both. I used to be able to play directly from either, now I can play directly from neither.

Any clue what I might have done to loose the display of lyrics?

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