Thread: Microstudio 4.0
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Old April 18th, 2007, 01:29 PM
ddouglass ddouglass is offline
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Mr. Bill
I am at work so can't exactly guide you, but under one of the headings up top is an entry for using the on-line database. There should be a check mark next to it. If not then click on that line and it should add it. This will enable the on-line database to check for the CDs information, If the information is available then you should see the title and artist listed in the left window.
Your best bet is to read through the whole manual first to get a feel for all the new features. The best one I personally like is being able to create my custom discs from my Hoster kma files rather than having to go dig out my CDGs, finding the track I want and importing before burning the CD.
Dale Douglass
2nd Generation Karaoke
I am not a member of the MTU Staff.
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