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Old April 4th, 2007, 04:34 AM
peppe peppe is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: italy
Posts: 19
boy oh boy..Thank God I'm in Italy

I am reading all of your conversations with each other and am just blown away. at the same time your all making me thankful that my business is in Italy and not the states!! I can't believe the level of compitition it really THAT bad?? it sounds almost cut throat. Its interesting or Ironic I should say, just last night My husband and I got a call from an old bar we used to KJ at. They want us back now every saturday night. The interesting thing is that the bar owner about 2 months ago thought he could save money and do Karaoke on his own, HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Well, he found out that there is a level of professionalism that MAKES IT WORK!!! not just anyone can get up there and do it, and he said he was going to possibly shut down if we were'nt going to come back and start up karaoke for him again. this is really funny because this scenario falls right in where we all are talking. people should have a chance to see if they can do it. BUT, like I said in my previous reply..its important to watch and listen for awhile before you go out and KJ like a professional. Professionalism comes from personality and experience and passion for the music!!! its like a good wine or scotch the more time you give the better it tastes!