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Old March 30th, 2007, 10:51 AM
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bryant bryant is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Winslow, Maine
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Alan, thanks, these are some other variables I didn't mention the first time.

I see. Here's my situation again. The owner called me in and said he had a proposal to make. So he was going to initiate the figures.

Also, there already is a guy on Tuesday nights (there main karaoke night) that is already bringing in a huge crowd, mostly college kids, on Tuesday. I know he was working for 100 dollars. But he isn't well liked in the area, personality lacking, etc.

Monday night is just a background music thing to keep a few ppl there at the bar for a few hours, maybe several hours. It'll never attract a large crowd, No one in Central maine attends bars on Monday, they never have, never will, so I am not expected to bring in a crowd either. And there is no where in the State where I could work on that night and make the 150 I do on Sundays, or work at all period. There also is no place in the area that has a Tuesday opening anywhere. Oh, I could drive 60 miles and perhaps find one. But not going to. Their Thurs. Fri. and Sat. DJ who packs the place on weekends only gets 100 a night, and he drives up from 60 miles and removes and reloads his equipment each night.

And the only reason I will accept these gigs is because I live a mile away(less than) and will not have to even touch my equip. between sunday and wednesday. On Monday and Tuesday I leave everything completely set up. Don't move anything.

His offer was 300 for the three. I told him that's only 75 a night for Mon and Tue. as I was making 150 on Sunday as it was. He stated that Sunday was not a really big night (and it isn't around here) and that it wasn't a 150 dollar night but he wasn't the kinda guy that was gonna ask me to take a cut after he had allowed the increase about 6 months ago from 125 to 150. And that being offered three nights a little reduction would be in order. My response was, I can do it for 350, that would sorta make 125, 125, and 100, spread out over those three days, hmmm. He responded with I think you're worth it I wanna keep you happy, let me start you off with 325 and after eight weeks, no discussion required, the bartenders will be told to pay you the 350. He will, as he has been honest about those type of increases in the past, and really respects my loyalty. This will be a little tough during the school year as I teach in the morning and wasn't really looking for another weekday gig, but summer's coming and if I can make it to then , it'll be a cinch.
Tuesdays WILL die down because ppl leave for the summer and college kids go home.
With all of this in mind, what would YOU DO or say in response to all this?

I can stay on Sundays only for 150.

I can in eight weeks be making 350 for three nights, leave at 12:30 no packing, no removal, no setting up on Mon or Tue, either, and walk home in less than 5 minutes. And let it breeze thru the summer. I prolly drink 5 or 10 bucks worth of soda or beer and another 10 for food there w/o paying as well.

Or tell him to stick it.

My weekends are full and my Wed. gig is 150 and really easy so will always hang on to those.