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Old March 29th, 2007, 06:15 PM
bryanelle bryanelle is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 26
Microstudio has been downloaded and saved but cannot finish installing

i uninstalled microstudio 3 in order to install 4. after the point in the installation process wherein i type the reg. code i get the following window: "registration data is about to be saved to a removable media device. the media must have at least 1 MB of free storage to continue. currently this devise is: not available. please either insert a clean, formatted floppy disk into your A:\ drive insert a removable drive (memory stick), and press 'try again'." Not only is there not a "try again" button to press, but when i insert a blank cdr into my drive tray and hit "refresh" nothing happens and the "next" button continues to be inaccessible. why to i need to save this information to a separate disc in order to continue? at this point a step by step walk through from the "original registration code" window would be appreciated.
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