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Old July 4th, 2002, 01:05 PM
DragonAce DragonAce is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 8
what WILL work??

what ide drives are guaranteed to work with Microstudio or CloneCD??..(or preferably both!!) (heh heh..don't go there..i can't get the software to run so i think i'll not run the risk with a writer too.. ;)...that and i need this puppy NOW!!)

apparently my Yamaha 2100EZ sux for doing CD+G's so it needs to be replaced ASAP.. i can't even get it to write at 1x and not start smoking.."danger..danger" "error..error"

how are the newer 40x Plextors??
or can you recommend some models i should look at??
i just need something that will FOR SURE work..
imo the faster the better, i'm not into buying relics even tho from what i'm reading they seem to work a lot better than the newer stuff..(hmmmm...that seems weird..)

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