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Old May 19th, 2006, 10:45 AM
George George is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2001
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Y-connectors don't go bad. There's no moving parts. They lose the ability to make a good connection due to oxidization.

Most electronic supply houses sell a product made by MG Chemicals called SUPER CONTACT CLEANER. I'm sure there must be other brands.

Comes in a 4 1/2 or 5 0z spray can for under $10.00. Amazing what it and a q-tip will do,, and a can will last a long, long time.

Stuff like this came out way back when t.v. tuners were mechanical and needed frequent cleaning. I use it to keep a 26 year old amp running smooth, and for all audio, video, tv, vcr,dvd, pc, telephone, and dsl connections.

Don't know if Radio Shack has anything like it or not. I use an electronics supply house.
