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Old May 3rd, 2006, 03:58 PM
pelletmon pelletmon is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: foley al.
Posts: 49
What always gets me is when I get one of those shy timid non-projecting folks that will start pulling the mic futher and futher away as we try to compensate by turning the gain up to the brink of feedback so we can get them above the mix.Doesn't it always seem to be the case that half the drunks in the audence will always put in there 2 cents worth and start screaming "cant hear her "(or him ,though less often than with female singers) like its the KJs fault.My favorate remedy for this is to walk up to the singer,politely ask for the mike and proceed to sing into it myself with the volume still on 8.(I can project very well when I want to). After 1 or 2 lines I hand the mic back to the singer.That usually tends to shut em up fo the rest of the night.
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