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Old November 25th, 2005, 02:45 AM
nreel nreel is offline
Honor Roll
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Indy
Posts: 778
Not disagreeing or agreeing...just what I do.

First, when I used to use Request Slips, I remember what it was like trying to shuffle/move them in order to INSERT New Singers. What a Royal Pain, especially, when you run out of room on your Table where the Request Slips are laid out.

To me, this was the only rational for a KJ to NOT work in New Singers and simply put the New Singers at the END.

But, taking the EASY way is not always the Best Way.

New Singers are buying customers and shouldn't have to wait an exceptionally long time to get a turn to Sing.

Any Karaoke Show that I've seen where Singers are not worked-in have small turn outs and do not grow. It's the same KJ "PET" Singers that show up on a weekly basis.

Current Singers DO NOT mind waiting if they are having a GOOD time and the Venue is aesthetically pleasing and easy to move about. But, the MAIN thing is that they are having a GOOD Time.

That is your JOB, and I say JOB, to make sure they are having a GOOD Time. All too often KJs treat Karaoke like a Part-Time job. The SHOW Suffers, and, Karaoke, as a whole, Suffers.

As the KJ, you may ask what you can do to inject FUN into your Show. Well, NEW Singers are the PERFECT source to do just that.

Say you have several BALLAD songs cued for the upcoming CURRENT Singers. Looking at the List of submitted Songs from NEW Singers gives you the opportunity to INSERT UPBEAT Songs, thereby, changing the mood of the Audience. Many times, this will cause CURRENT Singers to CHANGE their Songs to more UPBEAT Songs...something about Competition and wanting to OUTSHINE the NEW Arrivals...whatever it takes.

The list goes on and on with respect to how NEW Arrivals can help a KJ in achieving a memorable SHOW where Patrons are commenting to the KJ, on the way out after the Show, that they had the BEST time and that they will be back.

I have, no less than, 40 Singers every Friday night. At 4 minutes/Song, the CURRENT SINGERS...Singers who were at the Venue when the Karaoke Started (9:00pm)...will wait until, almost, 12 Midnight for me to START the 2nd Rotation. And, why are they waiting? Because I'm working in NEW Singers as the night goes on. And, why are they NOT Leaving? Because I'm using the NEW Singers to INJECT life into Mix, which causes everyone to have a GOOD Time.