bringing one's own CDGs to a gig
My dear MusicBear
I surely do wish you every success, but I must put you straight on a point. It was perhaps ambiguous of me to say that I used original material. I am not clever or talented enough to write my own. I envy those who can. No no, the songs were written FOR me, not BY me.
As to the reactions of my fellow patrons, the reception was most gratifying. Whilst I take credit for an acceptable performance the main kudos goes to the songs. I say go for it! Do not forget that you will probably be in a friendly environment, that is, surrounded by supportive and tolerant karaoke enthusiasts, like yourself. I suggest that you first try out your songs where you are most comfortable performing, and where you are received the best. If it goes well, and I am sure that it shall, this will encourage you to try at the other venues you patronise.
I will give you another tip, if I may. Make your labels as good as you can make them. The better looking your product the more likely the KJ is to use it. If you hand over a CDR with scrappy writing over it the KJ may believe that you have illegally copied a disc and not want to place him/herself at risk (you won't even be given the chance to explain that it is original material, and that no copyright is being infringed!!!) If you have done a really good job he or she may not even realise that it is not a commercially obtained disc, and will be pleasantly surprised, even impressed, when it is learned that the material is yours.
You asked me to explain "off the peg" backing tracks. I had not thought that this expression might be a peculiarly British phrase. Sorry. It means a standard arrangement and not one especially recorded for you. The CDGs you buy are "off the peg", as are any backing tracks you might buy ready-made from any of the companies selling them, on the net for instance. Custom tracks are those you commission, specifying arrangement, key, instrumentation, etc. I am expecting one such through my letterbox tomorrow, as it happens.
I hope these comments are useful to you. If you want more please ask and I shall do my best, although I am no guru.
Lauraine graduated from her earthly life in July, 2010. We will all miss our "Damsel in Distress". She was an excellent Beta Tester, and a wonderful, dear friend across the pond.