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Old April 13th, 2005, 09:06 AM
BooBoo BooBoo is offline
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Location: Louisville, KY
Posts: 89
Re: How do you create a medley of songs

Here is a possible way. I haven't tried this but it should work. Now the kicker would be that you would have the full songs back to back and you couldn't "chop" anything out of them. Let's use the example of "merging" song1 and song2. What you would need to do is export both songs off the CDGs into BIN format. Then you would need to use the "MP3+G toolz" conversion tool that splits the BINs into MP3+G. You would then have 4 new files. song1.mp3 song1.cdg song2.mp3 song2.cdg.
At this point you would need to use the old dos copy command to merge the mp3s together and then merge the cdgs together. I think the syntax (at a command prompt and changed to the proper folder) is:
copy song1.mp3 + song2.mp3 song3.mp3 /b
copy song1.cdg + song2.cdg song3.cdg /b
This should create two new files. A song3.mp3 and a song3.cdg You can use the "MP3+G toolz" conversion tool to convert the the mp3+cdg back to BIN.

PS MTU's CDG files are the same as bin files. "MP3+G toolz" is a program used to convert bins to mp3+g and mp3+gs to bin. It is freeware.. Also, you can merge more than 2 files by using additional +'s on the copy line...

Good luck.. And hey, let me know if you try it and it works. ha!
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