Thread: Ascap & Bmi
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Old January 20th, 2005, 07:42 PM
nreel nreel is offline
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Location: Indy
Posts: 778
Re: Ascap & Bmi


Sorry to hear that you cannot get a GIG because, in your area, other KJs are able to undercut you, I'm sure, because they have illegal music.

How else can any KJ stay ahead and charge so little?

But, with respect to the Karaoke Kops, you stand a better chance of staving off these people by using Computer driven Songs verses Discs.

It is very easy for someone to observe that a KJ is using copied physical discs, which could invite an investigation.

However, there are no discs when using a computer. So, if any A--Hole Karaoke Kop comes around investigating, they would be hard pressed to bring formal charges when there is no first-hand probable compared to the aforementioned DISC scenario.

So, if using a Computer, I say bring it on because now the ball is in your court. Any hint of a LAWSUIT brings a COUNTER LAWSUIT for deformation of character...$1,000,000 minimum. Personally, I can't wait for one of these A--holes to show up with a summons! It will be like winning the Lottery!!

I mean think about it. Hoster uses Book IDs which, if used in your SongBooks, do not list actual disc numbers (assuming you do not use that Hoster SongBook feature) for them to reference as with conventional ways of Printing Sc7501-01. Sc7501-01 tells a Karaoke Kop exactly what you need to produce in a Court. Book ID 1001 doesn't tell them Sh_t.

How stupid are they going to look in Court when they are telling you to produce a particular song from SoundChoice. We all know that SoundChoice duplicates many of their songs on many discs. Even if one of your songs was bootlegged, odds are, with SoundChoice, you can produce a disc that has that song on it.

SoundChoice thought that they would screw the public by duplicating songs on different discs but, turns out; they are their own worst enemy in that respect. If all discs were unique, then one would have to have that disc to produce a certain song, which some are, but who knows what you will be asked to produce. And, if you are able to produce what the Karaoke Kop is Questioning, in Court of course, I wouldn't arbitrarily produce anything without a Court Order, BOOM BABY, COUNTER LAWSUIT WON !! Keep those Bast--ds at bay for a while...wouldn't it? And, I would sue et al, meaning the actual person that brought the suit AS WELL...put his as_ in a sling, after all, BMI, ASCAP, and SESAC are NOT Government entities and, therefore, their employees are NOT immune from being SUED!

Freedom to all lawful KJs !
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