Thread: 5.5 question
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Old December 11th, 2004, 12:38 PM
Rich LePage Rich LePage is offline
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Re: 5.5 question

Thanks for the update. Keep us posted on how well the hardware L2 works with Krystal, etc - very interesting. I've been using the Waves software L2, but of course to do that requires going outside MTU since the Direct X linkage in Medit never really has worked at all for me.

On the integration with M/Sync, that will probably be a tough one, since it needs a m/board with at least one ISA slot, and those are sure getting to be a rarity. I think that once CPUs got much over 1 gig speed, the motherboard companies all seemed to drop ISA slots. If you find one, let me know, I have a spare brand new Microsync. My other M/Sync system runs on an older Athlon 1.2 gig CPU with (I think) an older Tyan m/board. I have another one too that runs on a today-ancient Intel board with an old P133 CPU in it.
It's fine for what it does, which is mostly laybacks to video, though.

Most of my machines have removable IDE drive sleds, the newer ones also have USB 2 and/or Firewire, so I take drives back/forth between them.
But with many of the older m/boards, trying to add USB 2 to them can be
pretty dicey-- most of the add-on cards try to set up a zillion IRQs and just don't work. Ones with the NEC chipset I've heard work better - I tried a couple with Via chipsets and no-go. Firewire seems easier to add to an older m/board, I was able to do that on 2 machines where I just could not get USB 2 to work. You can buy several combo boxes for big drives that support both USB and Firewire, by the way. I've done that with several DVD burners for data and a few large hard drives like 120 and 200 gigs.

I did find a SCSI to IDE converter board that works with most things and allows you to use an IDE CD drive but connected to a SCSI controller. It seems to work very well with stuff like NTI, Nero, and Roxio, but Micro CD won't find it properly, I tried several diff IDE CDRW drives with it.
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