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Old October 29th, 2004, 09:15 AM
lirics lirics is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 24
Re: Fair Price for Fair Book?


here's a few suggestions...............

1. GET MORE SONGS, you can find great deals on the internet, if you shop around.

2. EVEN MORE Important, since you do need to prove yourself to these bars,
take the 100. per show with the understanding that normal rates are 150.00
your giving them a break until (key word) the nite builds up, have an understanding
that if his business increases do to karaoke (based on his cash register)
then you get your full amount.

3. tell him and prove it that you get new songs every week (or bi-weekly),
keep a mailing list of your customers, get people in as you build up
a following the bar will be willing to part with more and more money.

REMEMER make sure the people have fun, show them you take
thier new songs requests serioulsy and get the new tracks,
and people will come.

..just my 2 cents (maybe 10 these days), but this does work, I've done
it multple times.

good luck
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