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Old September 30th, 2001, 08:41 AM
George George is offline
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Yeah, I believe you're right on. Same thing happened in the video tape movie industry.The most popular method they came out with was Macrovision, caused goofy things to occur in the copy.Wasn't long before you could buy "video stabilizers" which cancelled out Macrovision. Same thing will probably happen here if this type of protection lasts. Sad part though, we direct our wrath at the wrong people. It's the "pirates" who cause all of this, and the cdg manufacturers and us bear the brunt of all of the backlash. What SoundChoice needs to hear is there are enough of us who will not buy a product that can't be backed up as protection against damage to seriously affect their revenue. I know I won't buy one if faced with the prospect of having to buy another in case of damage.Well, I've digressed enough for this time.

Take care,

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