Thread: "Dirty" Copies
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Old August 11th, 2004, 05:24 PM
eldonideus eldonideus is offline
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Re: "Dirty" Copies

I had posted a similar problem a few months ago with a store bought plextor CDR. The response I got was that my burner was at fault and that I could not see the 'professional' copies unless I had a 'certified' burner and the MTU media. That is the whole reason I purchased my new DVD burner through MTU. I found the exact same burner at least $50 cheaper elsewhere but I wanted to guarantee the copies would be clean. I got the Silver Media for the same reason. Without the ability to copy my CDG's to make compilation disks, the software has limited use for me. I have had it awhile but haven't been able to really use it since I kept getting bad copies. I was hoping I would finally see the quality copies I have been looking for but there hasn't been too much improvement over the old non-certified CD burner.
Just to recap, I have tried reading/burning at 1x and auto. The DVD burner is brand new and certified (about a week old) so shouldn't need cleaning.
I don't mind tracking down the different combinations once I know what to try, the problem is that I just don't know what else to try.
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