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Old July 29th, 2004, 07:39 PM
swany swany is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Howard City, Michigan
Posts: 319
Re: KJ claims to have 75,000 songs?

I have over 12,000 cdg titles which I edited my book and culled the also ran duplicates in my library came up with a little over 8,000 without duplicates. When I run a show most often people tell me I have a lot of music that they like. My books are two sided copy single col and with 3 inch binders I need artist and title books. Can't imagine what it would be like with all the duplicates. I do have repeats (different artists) and am adding music as I go along. Can't imagine what a book with 20,000 would be like much less 75,000. WOW hand out the laptop books.
Take care and have fun. Swany
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