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Old July 1st, 2004, 10:03 AM
verynewbie verynewbie is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 10
Host-Inflicted Rotation Blues

I have been to many karaoke shows in major Canadian cities, and hosted by various KJs.

Here is a l-o-u-s-y one in Montreal (in an area called Laval - which is north of the city).

There is KJ (female) who puts herself on a rotation singing TWICE as many songs as the guests; mind you, there were no lack of good singers in a rotation of 5 to 6 guests already. To top it off, she would find every opportunity to do duets with her 'friends'.

When she is doing solo, she would also sing a quarter of a song, and then adjust the key and start the song all over again, a few times with the same song.

In every show, she would manipulate the rotation to be the first one to sing and the last one to sing. (Because she controls the shows , it becomes pointless and tasteless to challenge her).

For those singers who would allow her to join in as duets, they would get higher priority (or she would change the rotation to suit her purpose).

To top it off, she does not like rock, or hip-hop, or raps. She likes slow French ballads (her French Karaoke songs are in MIDI - [or should I call them 'sh*tty'] - if you do not get tortured by her already).

Whenever she sees a hip-hop or rap in the rotation, the singer would be definitely penalized by her : she ends the song so abruptly in mid-way (she blames her discs)! That is how she keeps those singers away from the place. She dares not do that to rock in English (because 8 out of 10 singers in there are of that category).

People go there because their drinks are cheap (fancy 2 for the price of one on Saturdays. And they charge only $1.75 (that's Canadian Dollar) for a bottle of water, for the 'water gangs'.

Any comments ? And any suggestion on how to deal with this woman other than not going there anymore (She is the manager of the place on Saturdays, so no use complaining).

Verynewbie** (but not in the karaoke scene)
** in devocalization & custom-building CDGs only
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