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Old June 12th, 2004, 11:33 AM
karaokeG karaokeG is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: 75 miles north of green bay
Posts: 43
there are also other things that can be done. i take pictures of the singers and put them in a binder and bring it with me. if the patron can find themselves in the book the bar buys them a drink.

it helps to talk to the bar owner first of course somethimes they can have drawings at certain times and win prizes, or bar tabs.
get the owner of the bar or who ever is bartending to sing also. it gets them involved and then they get better tips.
hey even though i am new at this and i know i do not have all the experience that some of the other hosts do i find this is what works best for me, but i will always take suggestions, that is what makes a better show i think. i have sang for over 10 years as a patron before i started this and what i am doing know is what i wished other systems would have done when i was singing. also none of this two in a row stuff. it makes the rotations much longer that is one thing i never liked.
good luck and have fun
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