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Old April 26th, 2004, 12:15 PM
geezer geezer is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Martinsburg, WV
Posts: 181

Microeditor will solve all of your problems with Sound Forge, but it is a hardware-based editor, and MicroCD is extra, as well. You will need to buy the whole rig from MTU or find a used system or parts.....MTU's price on whole systems has come way down since I bought my first rig from them 10 years ago, and they do guarantee the integration.....There are also used systems floating out there, but you will be on your own for support. I was up to 3 systems myself for awhile.

As a very loyal user who has been looking for an alternative with some additional features for the last several years, I can also tell you that I have found one: Wavelab. Working in the Audio Montage portion of Wavelab allows you to duplicate all functions of Microeditor and then some. It has a refined CD authoring program within it.

Wavelab is not as easy to learn as Microeditor, but it is pretty intuitive. It is a "native" system, which should cost you less, but has its own set of issues with integration, like any native system, and requires more computer power than Microeditor.

I have never seen another system that allowed you to learn and work on it as quickly as Microeditor, but I need some other features. You will have to research this yourself and come up with an answer. Wavelab is the only other thing I have seen that allows CD burning and fast and supple editing like the MTU/MicroCD combo, and I only really appreciate its features because of 10 years working with Microeditor. That is, I would not have realized how to work fast or how fast you can work - and how good things can sound- without having used Microeditor.
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