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Old July 11th, 2001, 02:19 AM
ronzony ronzony is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Florida
Posts: 3
I installed ver 2.310 and had these results. My drives are now seen when choosing "wav", but not when choosing "cdg". I am no longer getting the message referencing my "missing" sound card. I still can not use either audio or cdg to test with your program. My audio works when I am out of your program.
I reinstalled the demo program today and here is what I got.
I could play and read cdg. I could save sample cdg to hard drive and then record to disk. When I played the disk, all I got was a few seconds of audio (no graphics) and then a repeat of the same.. over and over again, until I terminated it via esc. I tried an audio disk and it saved to my hard drive. I recorded back to a new blank disk and it played back 75 seconds with a few studders every now and then. We are advancing slooowly, but steadily. Any help is appreciated. I will read the other notes to see if there are any suggestion. Thanks Ron ~(:>
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