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Old July 8th, 2001, 02:04 PM
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nitelife nitelife is offline
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Location: Two Rivers,Wi
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Still working on finding a way to reduce the vocals to a usable level.I tried a suggestion reported earlier by another tester, and tried making more than one pass per song.This helped some,but it still does not reduce the vocals to a level I would like.
I had no problem with earlier reported problems concerning saving files or pulling files into the program for use.But I did notice that songs did seem to have a slightly better sound after they had been saved and then brought back into the program for play.
Retaining the music didn't seem to be much of a problem,but then that isn't what I am having a problem with.I'm not worried about saving sounds right now,I'm trying to remove them ( selectively ) and having little luck doing so.
This is a tough program to test and report on.Its much easier to report on what you SEE it doing or not doing on screen, compared to how you can HEAR it responding.Its much harder reporting on SOUNDS.
Best I can say at this time is that tone quality is much better than vogone 1, but that there needs to be further work done to be able to reduce ( preferably remove ) vocals to an acceptable level.
One feature I would like to see that is not currently available in the vogone product,is the ability to remove sounds from selective portions of a music file while leaving the remainder of the song untouched.I use this feature on Cool Edit 2000 with remarkable success.
I think that Vogone's slider bar feature is a nice touch though the effect at present is minimal.Combining the features from these two products would be ammazing, And is something I may try to play with a little.Though Splitting files to do this sounds like alot of work,the end result might be worth it.
How about it. Could those features be incorperated without too much work,or could vogoone be set-up as a plugin to Cool Edit ?