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Old January 2nd, 2004, 01:32 PM
madickerson madickerson is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 2
Starting Out...

After reading many of the posts in this area, I'm getting encouraged. I can't carry a tune in a bucket. But I can work a crowd, and make at least a handful if them want to sing. I'm not expecting to get rich or be a "Star". I just wanna make a decent living without having to go back to the corporate world.. (or worse yet as an Asst Mgr at a fast food restaurant... no offense intended anyone!!)

I'm not afraid to invest in my business, and have the ear to know what sounds good. I know I've got a high quality sound system, and presentation. I'm waiting for a few pieces of hardware, and my rig is copmlete. I bat owner friend willing to pay $150 a night for 3 nights a week as soon as I'm ready.

I plan to work at my friend's bar as long as it takes to get some polish on my presentation and crowd skills. Most of the crowd at his bar is drunk anyway and could care less... But I'll NEVER treat the crowd as such, Like one of the posts I read. Regardless of who they are, or how drunk they are, they will get respect from me and I will also encourage the crowd to give the same.