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Old December 13th, 2003, 09:05 PM
fauno fauno is offline
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Unhappy Problems with Yamaha 3200E and Microstudio 2.315


Well I'm going to give it another try and see if I have a better luck this time, cause the first one didn't have any and didn't get any help at all.

Here,the problems I have with Microstudio 2.315, I have a Yamaha 3200E burner and never had any problems reading the CD+G disks at all, they come out nice and clean however, when i try to duplicate one, most of the time I get bad graphics and lyrics, they break up very bad, I have tried different speeds for both reading and burning, even X1 and still have the problem.

I also have a HP9500 burner which I used before the Yamaha one and never had any problems burning my CD+G they just came out nice and clean, so because of that I know that the problem is either the Yamaha drive or something with Microstudio. I have to mention that I've tried different media as well, from premium ones ( different brands) to cheapos and still the same, with the HP drive even the cheapos work fine, once in a while I get a bad one but I think this is because the media but that's all. What I do now is to read the CD+G disks on the HP drive and burn it on the Yamaha and I have would say 90% success that way, but is kind of inconvenient because I have to physically switch drives in the computer.

the other problem I have is the fact that Microstudio crashes mainly when I import a good batch of tracks and I'm talking about just audio ones, let's say that I have recorded 30 or 40 tracks on my hard drive, then when I start burning the Cds, the first one comes out nice and then in the midle of the second one I get that funy message saying "this program has performed an ilegal operation and will be terminated" and sometimes I'm able to restart my computer, but some others the only cure is to just flip the switch wait for a few seconds and then turn it on again and start from scratch. Now what I have to do in order to avoid that is to restart the computer after burning every CD which is a little bit inconvenient.

Any ideas on what might be going on?, I have an AMD Athlon 1.2 Ghz. chip with 2 G. of ram memory and a 80 G. hard drive and I'm runing Windows 98 O.S.

Thank You very much beforehand for your help with this

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