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Old June 16th, 2001, 10:11 AM
admin admin is offline
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Raleigh, NC, USA
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ronzony, you posted this in the Tech Support Forum which does not accept posts from the public. That is why we have not answered it. I have just moved this to the Open Forum so it can be answered.

If you received Microstudio V2.303, yes we had bugs reported that were unexpected. We tested 19 MTU only versions and 4 with 20 client beta testers. All reported bugs were fixed so we released. Then more bugs showed up. We have been repairing them daily and are near a final release, which we expect to be next week.

I will have to let MTUSUPPORT answer on Monday as to why your drives and audio card are not found.

The amount of power in your computer does not make any difference. Once the ASPI driver, CD-Recorder that can read/write the CDG format and Microstudio software are properly communicating, things should work. There are cases where we have to work with clients to diagnose what is wrong. MTUSUPPORT does that.
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