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Old October 22nd, 2003, 09:53 PM
George George is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2001
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I believe Jahern is on track. I always use 26 point.

Would also suggest on fast songs to sweep at 6 lines to a page, then change perhaps to 5 lines per page. This is easier on you when sweeping.The fewer page changes the better, as Jahern mentioned. It's also easier on the singer to not have rapid page changes.

Also, sometimes a sweep problem can be corrected by simply not using any shadow on the text.

If not doing it, you also might want to consider using em space between words that practically run together(you type 0 1 6 0 on the numeric keypad while holding down the ALT key.) Do this between each word on the line. You only have to tap the space bar one time for each set of words joined together with em spacing, but they appear normal when played back.

Let us know how it goes.

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