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Old October 17th, 2003, 02:13 PM
mlepine mlepine is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Montreal
Posts: 515
Lightbulb Suggestion

I think what MTU should say is that there is only one brand that will support CDG to run Microstudio.

This way who ever buy's Microstudio and claim it's not working properly is doing it at it's own risk!

How can MTU be responsible for all the bad burners on the market? Major companies claim it will read cdg when in reality it doesn't.
If Plextor is the only serious company that has the capability well good for them. We also ALL have the option to buy Plextor where ever we wish but of course it's safer thru MTU because they test each one they ship.

With the good tools it's always easier!