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Old September 26th, 2003, 01:29 PM
PastMember PastMember is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2001
Location: Farmington, MI
Posts: 153

Yes, you purchased the disc.

And you can listen/sing to it all you want..... at home.

The minute you take it into "commercial use in a public area" (and that includes you taking your disc to another KJ's show), the ballgame changes.

ASCAP and the others are "performing rights societies" and they do collect licensing for public performances of copywritten works.

HOWEVER, these licenses really have NOTHING to do with you or even the KJ... they are licenses issued to the ESTABLISHMENT where the music is performed.

KJ's, bands, disc jockeys etc. Do NOT get "licensed by ASCAP"... only the ESTABLISHMENT does. (The bar, restaurant, etc...)

Here's a kicker: You know the elevator music played at a funeral home? Check with them, you'll find that even funeral homes pay ASCAP for these "performances" as an establishment.