Thread: output file
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Old September 24th, 2003, 02:16 AM
jaddams jaddams is offline
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Here are the instructions as written on the manual!


Here’s how you create an output file.

(This is a copy and paste from the Vogone manual which is included in the program.)

You can create a new or open an existing Output file now or later to receive your vocal reduced song when you are done. We suggest you do it now while you are thinking about filenames.

The Output File will store in the same directory as you selected with the Select Input File button. However, you can change this by selecting any other directory with the Create Output File button.

Unlike the Input field, you can type in a new name for the Output File. When you press Enter:

If the name is unique, click Yes to approve creating the new file or No to cancel, allowing you to change it.

If the filename exists, click Yes to overwrite the existing file or No to not overwrite it, allowing you to enter a different name to use.

When you click the Create Output File button the Save As dialog box at the right appears, but showing the directories and files on your computer.

Select the drive and directory where you want to store your vocal reduced .wav files on the hard drive.

To replace a file, double click it file or single click it and click the Open button.

WARNING! Do not select the input filename for your output filename.

Entering in a new name in the File name: field allows creating a file in the selected directory.

Good luck

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