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Old June 26th, 2003, 05:25 PM
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CochrellGary CochrellGary is offline
Honor Roll
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Tijeras, NM
Posts: 802
BYOB is NOT a contest

BYOB is NOT a contest, it's called a challenge purposly. The enterants are told up front "Talent doesn't count, your friends do" I tell them that if they have enough friends in the house they can beat (insert favorite artist). We are trying to put some FUN back into our karaoke show. To date, the best singer has never won any of the BYOB challenges. In fact the audience usually gets behind the poorest singer. The attendance has increased, not decreased and the bar owners love it (we are holding a BYOB at three locations). This idea may not work for everyone, it works for us. Just posting another approach.

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