Thread: Reimport as cdg
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Old May 17th, 2018, 01:17 PM
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Roy Dennis Roy Dennis is offline
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Re: Reimport as cdg

When you open the index files dialog it remains blank until you make a selection. If you want to import as KMH select that button then the type of file on the next row, either mp3g or zip depending on the type your trying to import.
Once you have made a selection you should see a Windows explorer box that you can brows to the folder containing the original file. You must open the folder properly so that you see the list of files in the window, don’t just highlight the folder before pressing select.
You should then see the empty right hand space fill with a window in the top part, if that is blank untick the box for “Hide Indexed Tracks”, it should then fill with all the files in that folder, look down that list for the file your trying to import and select it. It will then show in the field and separators window. Below that is a Define field order button, next to that the field order will either show if it can get a match or will tell you it can’t match.

If it matches press the “Add Files button” and all the files should fill the bottom window.

If the info is shown in the wrong columns you will need to press the “Define Field Order” button and try to match your file naming then press the “Add files button again till the columns contain the correct info.

These files will only load in their original order if the file name contains the Disk Id and track # so if you want to match the original bookID and tr # you must set the define field order to reflect that.

Without that they will load in alpha order I think by artist name, not necessarily matching your original tr#.

The right hand column should show Imported for those already imported and ready for the new file.

Tick the box of the left column for the tracks you want to import and only then press the “Import Files” button.

If your file names do not contain disc Id and track # you can’t guarantee it wont overwrite another track.
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