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Old March 25th, 2012, 03:47 PM
tkelley3 tkelley3 is offline
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Location: Green Bay, WI
Posts: 49
Re: Hoster 5.06 Bug Reports

I can now get Hoster to lower the volume control almost every time if I stop the song just as it is about to end. I can click on the stop button or use the Ctrl + Space bar and the volume control will lower. It does not come back by itself. I have also noticed that if I click on a song to play right after I stop a song that Hoster will "freeze" and my little Windows 7 circle will start spinning and keep spinning. I have to close Hoster and then reopen it. I used to have the little circle spin as I first opened Hoster and it would delay opening (screen would go pasty white) but that has gone away. Note: if I stop a song early this does not happen only when the song is stopped close to its end!